When to Consult A Doctor for Knee Pain 

One must always consult a doctor when knee pain becomes chronic and unbearable. Pain that doesn’t go away with enough rest and sleep might be serious. Early diagnosis is key to successful treatment.  

In other words, if knee pain has limited your life so much that you cannot even walk a few steps or do anything essential for regular living, this is time for a consultation with a knee specialist or orthopedist.   

Knee Anatomy

Although it might look simplistic, each knee joint is composed of various delicate parts on the inside in an intricate and complicated way. Major internal structures are as follows.

  • The Femur (or the thigh bone lower end)
  • The Tibia  (or the leg bone upper end)
  • The Patella (or the kneecap)  
  • Articular Cartilage  
  • Meniscus
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons
  • Bursa
  • The Synovium (or joint lining)

All these parts must be in good condition for the knee to stay healthy and work smoothly without discomfort and inflammation.  


There are various reasons for knee pain. This section explores the major ones below.

ACL injuries

Known as Anterior Cruciate Ligament, it is one of four crucial soft tissue bands in the knee. Trauma can cause damage to this ligament in three ways such as:

Grade 1: Mild Stretching

Grade 2: Partial Tearing

Grade 3: Complete Tearing


The femur, the tibia and the kneecap are the major bones involved in the knee. Breaks in any of these bony components lead to severe disability and intense pain without proper first-aid and medical care.

Fractures in the middle of the thigh and leg bones also affect knee mobility. Such severe injuries mustn’t be neglected. Treatment must be ensured on time for effective rehabilitation and fast recovery.  

Torn Meniscus

The meniscus is a crucial part of the knee’s interior. Each meniscus is a protective tissue that maintains a healthy gap between the knee bones and also works as a shock absorber. It is crucial for smooth functioning.     

Each knee joint has two meniscal pads or menisci. Damage to this part can be debilitating and injury will worsen over time without treatment.


Another part of the knee is a fluid-filled sac that provides extra cushioning and support. Trauma can cause inflammation of this structure as well, which is medically called bursitis.  


A tendon is a structure that connects a muscle to a bone. The most common form of tendonitis is Patellar Tendonitis. People who engage in running, skiing, cycling, or other jumping sports and activities are most at risk.

Trauma can affect and cause inflammation to any of the tendons in the knee such as

  • Quadriceps Tendon
  • Patellar Tendon
  • Hamstring Tendon   

Dislocated Kneecap

Many sports injuries can be hard on the kneecap and lead to fractures or even dislocation. The condition will cause pain and lead to a visible deformity on the outside at the front of the knee.  


Many people, especially senior citizens, have to suffer from arthritis which causes chronic inflammation and walking problems. Some major forms of arthritis are mentioned and briefly described below.  

Osteoarthritis: The cartilage gradually gets worn out. The edges of the bones become deformed. Consequently, the joint becomes stiff and inflamed, leading to immobility.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: It is an autoimmune condition. The inflammation starts with the joint lining and gradually damages cartilage and other soft tissues. Rheumatoid arthritis causes pain in more than one joint at the same time, often starting with small joints like fingers.  

Gout: Uric acid levels sometimes go up and lead to a buildup in the form of crystals in a joint. This accumulation of waste product (uric acid) causes episodes of intense joint pain, which might initially come and go. However, the condition will be worse over time without treatment.  

Pseudogout: The condition is also known as calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease or CPPD. This is different from gout as the condition is caused by the presence of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals.

Symptoms might mimic other forms of arthritis, including warmth, redness, tenderness, stiffness, etc.

Septic Arthritis: It is a condition of joint infection caused by pathogens (or germs) such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. When some body part is already infected, the infection can spread from that part to the knee as well through blood circulation, causing septic arthritis. However, a penetrating injury can deliver germs directly to the knee joint as well.  

Overuse Syndrome  

When you overuse the body or any part in particular, it puts straining pressure on muscles and soft-tissues.

It might happen due to

  • exercising more than usual
  • overexercising for the first time with existing poor conditioning
  • walking too much
  • repeated bending of the knees while lifting weights

Thus, overdoing the knee joint can also cause discomfort and aches for some time but the situation will correct itself with enough rest and sleep.    


Pain is the common symptom and physical discomfort in all knee problems. It can range from mild to severe as per the intensity of the condition affecting.

Arthritis mostly makes the knee stiff and inflamed.

Stiffness is the distinguishing feature of osteoarthritis while warmth, redness and tenderness are typical discomforts accompanying the autoimmune condition, known as rheumatoid arthritis.

Injuries like ACL tears lead to instability and reduced mobility. Instability means that the affected person won’t be able to bear weight on the knee. As soon as weight is put while standing, the knee joint gives way.  

When the knee pain becomes chronic and so intense that it limits activity too much, consult a knee specialist (or an orthopedist). Delay and carelessness might lead to irreversible damage to the joint cartilage and bones.

People at advanced stages of knee arthritis mostly need surgery. So, connect with the top orthopedic surgeon in India as soon as possible for a timely cure.


Consult a doctor for knee pain when it becomes chronic and doesn’t go away naturally with plenty of rest and activity modification. In that case, it can be an indication of a serious condition. A knee specialist (an orthopedist) will diagnose the exact condition and provide relief.

Sometimes, the cause of chronic knee pain is severe internal damage or wear and tear. Inflammation becomes very debilitating and often leads to constant and excruciating pain. Even walking a few steps becomes challenging. However, there is a treatment for this condition as well, that is, knee replacement surgery.

If you are in this situation, book a consultation with the best doctor for robotic knee surgery today for relief and improved quality of life.